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Spreading The Love, One Heart At A Time...

You've probably seen quite a few hearts from me at this point, and I wanted to talk about them a little.


I never really planned to create a collection of hearts, let alone start crafting huge resin-sealed mixed media paintings of them. The truth is, the more you connected and needed them, the more I wanted to create them.


As an artist, I have always felt a huge desire not only to create and design art, but to share it. Art has been my biggest teacher, healer, and comfort throughout my life. I have never underestimated how powerful it can be. How just looking at or having a piece of art in your space can make you feel understood and 'held'.

My artworks are my mascots. Some are a reflection of how I feel, unspoken. Others are like a 'Wonder Woman' versions of myself, to pick me up on my wobbly days (or weeks). Some have been pure vents of emotion that I have harnessed in a painting, and others are the result of play and fun.


The Hearts began from a place of play initially. I love to work digitally, and the first heart was actually the bust of an embellished body impression I created on wood. The idea of curving a female bust into a heart felt beautiful; it embodied my message around self-acceptance and real beauty. 


I loved the idea of having a heart next to each of the impressions made, like a little mascot or sidekick!

I will never forget creating 'Eden' (the heart you see above). I have written about this piece in my blog. She was a massive emotional purge.


That week, I received devastating news from a close friend, whose sister had miscarried her little girl at 38 weeks. The pain and emotion I felt from her filled me up, and I pushed all of those feelings out into that artwork. 'Eden' is not a sad, dark piece, though. She's full of hope, peace, and optimism. She's a vision of love and light for the future. She's a comforting support.


I never really think too much about the outcome of what I'm doing; the emotions just guide me. When I had finished 'Eden', I knew I needed to give her to who she belonged. It wasn't meant for me; it was meant for Emma, and anyone else out there who needed her like Emma did.

'Extraordinary' (the heart above) has been SO popular. The piece was created when I got home from a three-week stint in Thailand. The doves you see in this heart are photographs of actual doves on a little farm high up in the jungly hills of Koh Samui, and yes, they had been dipped in dye. I did not add those colors! I'm told it's a natural dye (here's hoping) but seeing all these multi-coloured doves was both magical and hilarious. 


This heart was an energetic explosion; it embodies the magic, happiness, and eccentricity of Thailand.


My Monkey Mind sometimes gives me some sort of 'cliché' chat about these hearts, that they are 'cheesy' or too commercial. Yes, some might say this is true, but I can't stop creating them right now, and to be honest, it's not really up to me.


I've always felt like a bit of a vessel when it comes to creating. When it's time to close a chapter in my life, I have always had a very strong intuitive feeling to do so.


I remember when I was dancing in Spearmint Rhino's (which I did for five years). One night, I descended down that huge, dimly lit staircases, and something just said, 'You're done.' Obviously not a literal voice, but a strong feeling that if it could talk, would have said that.


That week, I hung up my dancing heels and said goodbye to that world.

These hearts come to you when you need them. Whether it's to pick you up, help you through a tough transition, or to send to someone who you feel might need one. They all have their different vibes and personalities, different emotions and energies. It's what makes them unique and special. It's what makes me love them.


Each heart carries its own story and spirit, resonating with the energy of the moment it was created. They are not just pieces of art but companions for your journey, offering comfort and connection when words might not suffice.


I believe that each heart finds its way to you when you need it. Creating them has been a profound experience for me, and sharing them is a way to connect with you...


and because of that I absolutely love them.

 So, these are your hearts, and they have been curated and created for you!


Thank you for loving and supporting me and all my artwork, having you with me on this journey means the world and without you, so much of these works would not exsist.


Lots of love,


Beth xx



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